Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
StephenAshley.Biostatistics.ANOVAGroupsCollectionA list of Group objects and the methods necessary to perform an analysis of variance
StephenAshley.Biostatistics.BiostatisticsExceptionA custom System.Exception for the StephenAshley.Biostatistics namespace. When the exception is triggered by another exception, that other is stored as the inner exception
StephenAshley.Biostatistics.ChiSquaredArrayAn array of values comprising a contingency table for the Chi Squared (χ²) analysis
StephenAshley.Biostatistics.CochranQGroupsCollectionA list of Group objects and the methods necessary to perform Cochran’s Q Test
StephenAshley.Biostatistics.ColumnDataAn object reporting the validity of a column of TextBox objects as a Group and the state of the column
StephenAshley.Biostatistics.CorrelationRegressionGroupsCollectionA list of Group objects and associated properties for the computation of statistics relating to linear regression and correlation
StephenAshley.Biostatistics.DecMathProvides a set of static methods to perform numerical operations, mostly on Decimal values
StephenAshley.Biostatistics.FisherExactArrayAn array of values comprising a contingency table for the Fisher Exact Test
StephenAshley.Biostatistics.FriedmanGroupsCollectionA list of Group objects and the methods necessary for performing Friedman’s Test
StephenAshley.Biostatistics.GroupA list of Decimal objects representing the members of a set of data. The class provides methods that compute various descriptive statistics
StephenAshley.Biostatistics.GroupsCollectionAn list of Group objects
StephenAshley.Biostatistics.KruskalWallisGroupsCollectionData and methods for performing the Kruska-Wallis Test
StephenAshley.Biostatistics.MannWhitneyGroupsCollectionAn list of Group objects and the methods necessary to perform the Mann-Whitney Test
StephenAshley.Biostatistics.McNemarsGroupsCollectionA list of Group objects and the associated methods for performing McNemar’s Test
StephenAshley.Biostatistics.OddsRatioTestData and methods for the performance of the Odds Ratio Test
StephenAshley.Biostatistics.OutcomeA trio of values representing a cell’s observed value, expected value, and the square of the difference between the two
StephenAshley.Biostatistics.PairedT_TestGroupsCollectionA list of two Group objects and methods for performing the Paired t-Test
StephenAshley.Biostatistics.RankA struct designed to hold items that have been ranked
StephenAshley.Biostatistics.RelativeRiskTestThe data fields and methods for performing the Relative Risk Test
StephenAshley.Biostatistics.RepeatedMeasuresANOVAGroupsCollectionA list of Group objects and methods to perform the Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance
StephenAshley.Biostatistics.SpearmanRankSumGroupsCollectionA list of Group objects and associated methods for performing the Spearman Rank Sum Test
StephenAshley.Biostatistics.T_TestGroupsCollectionAn list of two Group objects and the methods necessary to analyze the variance in the means of the two Group objects
StephenAshley.Biostatistics.WilcoxonGroupsCollectionA pair of Group objects and the methods necessary to perform the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test
StephenAshley.Biostatistics.ZTestData and methods for the performance of the z-Test

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